Factors shaping the HIV-competence of two primary schools in rural Zimbabwe

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  • Catherine Campbell
  • Louise Andersen
  • Alice Mutsikiwa
  • Erica Pufall
  • Skovdal, Morten
  • Claudius Madanhire
  • Connie Nyamukapa
  • Simon Gregson

We present multi-method case studies of two Zimbabwean primary schools - one rural and one small-town. The rural school scored higher than the small-town school on measures of child well-being and school attendance by HIV-affected children. The small-town school had superior facilities, more teachers with higher morale, more specialist HIV/AIDS activities, and an explicit religious ethos. The relatively impoverished rural school was located in a more cohesive community with a more critically conscious, dynamic and networking headmaster. The current emphasis on HIV/AIDS-related teacher training and specialist school-based activities should be supplemented with greater attention to impacts of school leadership and the nature of the school-community interface on the HIV-competence of schools.

TidsskriftInternational Journal of Educational Development
Sider (fra-til)226-236
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2015

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ID: 161083436