Diagnostic investigation of a clientele seeking contraception in general practice (Danish)

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Diagnostic probabilities for pronounced menstrual discomfort, sexual complaints and pathological gynaecological findings were determined among 1983 women who had sought their general practitioners for advice on contraception at times other than the puerperium. Sixty-four general practitioners registered women of this type consecutively during the period 1 september 1967 to 31 august 1968. The registrations were undertaken on a standardized case record in the form of a punch card. The material was analyzed by means of statistical information analysis. Among the patients investigated, 17% had pronounced menstrual discomfort, 16% sexual complaints and 10% pathological gynaecological findings. The ages, marital status, parity and employment provided information concerning the occurrence of menstrual discomfort, sexual complaints and pathological gynaecological findings while the social status was apparently without diagnostic significance. The diagnostic probability for pronounced menstrual discomfort was approximately 25% among nulliparae as compared with approximately 10% among parous women. About 10% nulliparae, 17% primiparae and 24% multiparae had sexual complaints. The probability for pathological gynaecological findings was approximately 5% among nulliparae, 10% among primiparae and 15% among multiparae. When the parity of the woman was known, none of the remaining characteristics provided further information of significance.

TidsskriftUgeskrift for Laeger
Udgave nummer21
Sider (fra-til)1232-1235
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 1977

ID: 324421439