Community-based capital cash transfer to support orphans in Western Kenya: A consumer perspective

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Various types of 'cash transfer' are currently receiving much attention as a way of helping orphans and vulnerable children in Africa. Drawing on a qualitative study conducted in Western Kenya, this paper points to the strategy of community-based capital cash transfers (CCCT) as a particularly promising method of supporting orphans and carers. Qualitative data were obtained from 15 orphans and 26 caregivers in Bondo District, Kenya, beneficiaries of a CCCT programme run by a partnership between the community, the government social services department and a foreign donor. Our findings suggest that the programme not only increased food availability, but also enhanced social capital. Further research is needed to explore the potential of CCCT in supporting orphans and vulnerable children in countries with high orphanhood rates.
TidsskriftVulnerable Children and Youth Studies
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)1-15
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 1 apr. 2008

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ID: 105346998