Readiness, acceptance and use of digital patient reported outcome in an outpatient clinic

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Use of digital patient-reported outcomes is being introduced in care of chronic conditions, including Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The aim is to supplement face-to-face follow-up sessions through symptom screening, and to inform follow-up through questions about mental health and quality of life. However, little is known about who is using this as intended. This study aimed to map differences between users and non-users among people with IBD and explore the mechanisms behind. We administered a questionnaire including the Readiness and Enablement Index for Health Technology (ReadHy) and the Service User Technology Acceptability Questionnaire (SUTAQ) to all people with IBD registered at Silkeborg Regional Hospital. Comparison between users and non-users and cluster analysis was conducted. Effect size (Cohen's d) was used to estimate magnitude of difference between groups. The user and non-user groups differed most strongly by level of emotional distress (d = 0.45). Cluster analysis of the ReadHy scales showed profiles have different sets of difficulties and reservations towards digital solutions. These difficulties correlated moderately with SUTAQ dissatisfaction and low acceptability. The dimensions of ReadHy may help to better understand particular needs of people with IBD when accessing digital PROs, which may lead to higher acceptability and improved quality of care.

TidsskriftHealth Informatics Journal
Udgave nummer2
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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ID: 310772640