Age, fiber type composition and in vitro contracture responses in human malignant hyperthermia

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Muscle fiber typing and in vitro contracture tests were performed in 59 patients investigated for susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia (MH). Eighteen patients were found to be susceptible to MH. There was no difference in age or fiber type distribution between MH susceptible and non–susceptible patients. No correlation was found between age and fiber type distribution. Separate analyses for each diagnostic group revealed no relationship between age or fiber type distribution and response to halothane or caffeine. When all caffeine results were pooled, however, there was a significant effect of age on the caffeine specific concentration (the concentration eliciting a contracture of 1 g), but not on the caffeine threshold concentration (the minimal concentration eliciting an increase in tension). It is concluded that age and fiber type distribution have no influence on MH diagnosis, if the protocol of the European MH Group for evaluation of susceptibility to MH is followed.

TidsskriftActa Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Supplementum
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)121-124
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - feb. 1988

ID: 259166247